Workplace Social Media Policy (Free Template)

A workplace social media policy is a set of rules that an employer provides to its employees to govern their use of work and personal social media. A workplace social media policy may include rules around the use of social media, the sharing of confidential information on social media, and the appropriate behavior expected when using social media on behalf of the company.

The goal of a workplace social media policy is to help employees understand what is expected of them in terms of their use of social media and to protect the company's reputation and interests.

Workplace social media policies can be provided to employees at any time. Employers do not need to exchange fresh consideration for providing such a new policy to their employees, nor do employees have to sign such policies. However to be enforceable, generally, employers must ensure that their employees reviewed the workplace social media policy given to them.

Violation of a social media policy can be considered just cause to terminate an employee in egregious cases like racism. Less serious infractions can of course result in termination without cause, although no employer generally needs a reason to terminate an employee without cause. In that regard, a social media policy can be a good tool to simply promote positive behavior, not just discipline staff for poor behavior. Read why every employer ought to use a social media policy here.

Below is a sample workplace social media policy template you can edit as you see fit.

Sample Social Media Policy

We recognize you may use social media in and out of the workplace. We also recognize the importance of the risks of social media. To that effect, employees are required to engage in responsible and professional behavior when using social media, both in their personal and professional capacities. The following policies apply to all employees when using social media at any time and in any capacity or place:
  1. Be respectful of other people and the company. Do not post any content that could be considered harassing, discriminatory, or defamatory.
  2. Do not disclose any confidential or proprietary information about the company or its clients on social media. This includes trade secrets, financial information, and any other sensitive information.
  3. Protect your own privacy and that of your colleagues by not sharing personal information on social media. This includes addresses, phone numbers, and personal email addresses.
  4. Use your best judgment when posting or sharing content on social media. If you are unsure whether a post is appropriate, it is better to err on the side of caution and not post it.
  5. Understand that your online activities may be considered representative of the company. Be mindful of this when posting on social media, and avoid making statements or taking actions that could reflect poorly on the company.
  6. Do not engage in any activities on social media that could be considered illegal or unethical. This includes activities such as spamming, cyberbullying, and impersonating others.
  7. The company reserves the right to monitor and review your social media activities, both on and off the clock. Any violation of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
By following these guidelines, you can help maintain the company's reputation and ensure that your own online activities reflect well on you. Thank you for your cooperation.
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